Saturday, November 26, 2016

Green-Wood Cemetery

Williams family plot in Green-Wood Cemetery
I've been bitten by the cemetery bug!  It was bound to happen sooner or later.

On a recent visit with my parents (and after quite a bit of preparation), we visited family grave sites in Brooklyn and New Haven.  I'll share things from New Haven later.  For now, here are some photos from the Williams family plot in Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn.  It includes my 2x great-grandmother, Alice Corbett Williams, and my 3x great-grandparents, Mary Ellen Harrison and Henry Clay Williams.

The outing raised a new question (as these things often do).  There was a Sarah Williams buried in the family plot in 1887, and I don't know yet how she connects with the family.  A cousin, perhaps?

If anyone else in the family visits Green-Wood, it's worth pointing out that the famous clergyman and abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher is also buried there.  Mary E. Harrison and Henry C. Williams attended Plymouth Church, and Beecher conducted their wedding in 1866.